IIFT delegation headed by Mr Ratnadeep Lal- Founder Chairman IIFT Group & Prateek Lal - Sr Manager invited and visited India Luxury Summit 2012
Mr Ratnadeep Lal - Founder Chairman IIFT Group with H. E Mr. Joao Cravinho - Ambassador and head of delegation , Delegation of thr European union
Prof. Armando Branchini- President , ECCIA & Executive Director , Fondazone Alta gamma with D S Rawat - Secretary General, Assocham
Prof. Armando Branchini -President , ECCIA & Executive Director , Fondazone Alta gamma
Mr Jeremie Robert- Firsr Counselor French Ambassy in India with Mr Ratnadeep Lal- Founder Chairman IIFT Group
Mr Ratnadeep Lal- Founder Chairman IIFT Group
Mr Prateek Lal-Sr Manager IIFT Group
H.E Mr. Giacomo Sanfelica di Monteforte - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of Italy with Mr Ratnadeep Lal- Founder Chairman IIFT Group